Player Profile
- From:
- Age:
- Education:
- Position:
Speaking Evaluation
- NL
- NM
- NH
- IL
- IM
- IH
Current level:
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Speaking guidelines are based on American English and utilized by academic institutions, government agencies and private corporations worldwide.
Function and accuracy are limited
Words and phrases are practiced and memorized
Sometimes sound surprisingly fluent and accurate
Use of wider vocabulary and self-correction
Able to use communicative strategies such as rephrasing and circumlocution
Speech contains limited pauses, reformulations, and self-corrections
NL - Novice Low
Communicates minimallyFunction and accuracy are limited
NM - Novice Mid
Communicates on familiar topicsWords and phrases are practiced and memorized
NH - Novice High
Short social interactions, asking and answering simple questionsSometimes sound surprisingly fluent and accurate
IL - Inter Low
Communicates with concrete exchangesUse of wider vocabulary and self-correction
IM - Inter Mid
Can narrate and describe in all major time framesAble to use communicative strategies such as rephrasing and circumlocution
IH - Inter High
Produces sentence-level language, ranging from strings of sentences to paragraphsSpeech contains limited pauses, reformulations, and self-corrections